Leather Gear Medallion Workshop

The workshop gives you some experience in basic leather working. You get a 2 1/2″ leather gear that you will decorate by stamping images, adding a concho ($5 additional), and/or color that you can turn into a pin or medallion or whatever your imagination envisions. Cost is $5 and all tools and supplies are provided.

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Let there be light!

Celebrate Edison’s transformative technology in your steampunk home with a custom light switch cover. Use simple decoupage methods to adhere an undersea steampunk scene, then enhance with a gear or two! $5 per light switch cover. Ages 6 and up.

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Making a Jar of Dirt: Spell Jar make and take

Much like a favorite, beloved pirate, if you believe your “jar of dirt” helps, then it helps. Join maker and eclectic witch Jenn Dunigan of Archimedes Azure Creations, as she guides you to set an intention, and build your own “jar of dirt” or spell jar. Jenn will provide mini jars, corks, and a variety…

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Tropical Hair Flowers

Island living got your hair all messy and you need something new to wear to the tiki bar? Then come learn how to make a beautiful hair decoration. Basic hand sewing skill needed using Kanzashi techniques. This is a workshop BEFORE the ball, so you may wear it in the evening.

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