Salvation of New Atlantis Roleplaying Game
Using the “Masks: The Next Generation” system. Players 3-6, with room for observers and possibly an extra player or two. Story subject to change as I write the scenario before the conversation. A group of scientists wanted to prove that human life can survive under the deep oceans. They created the city of New Atlantis…
Read MoreFelt A Wearable Friend
Learn to needlefelt! Using a barbed needle, wool roving, cookie cutter and felting pad, create a flat undersea creature or dinosaur you can pin on your costume and wear at the con. Googly eyes will be available to accent your new friend. Cost: $5, tools available for purchase at an additional fee. Ages 8 and…
Read MoreLearn to Play Captain Hornblower’s Favorite Card Game!
(Tables will be set up) If you’ve ever read C.S. Forester’s Hornblower series, then you’ll know how fond he was of the card game whist. This is the card game that was the ancestor of trick-taking card games like Contract Bridge and Euchre. It’s a four player (two partnerships) game with rules that are simple…
Read MoreSea Shanties Singalong!
Join your fellow rogues and scallywags for a sea shanties singalong! We’ll be singing original shanties from the 18th and 19th centuries, along with some of the most popular modern songs related to seafaring.
Read MoreLaunch the Boarding Party!
Tips & Tricks on how to host the perfect themed party or gathering.
Read MoreUkulele – the happiest instrument on earth!
An overview of the development of the ukulele, from its invention from older instruments, through the variety of musical genres it’s been used in, to the different forms the instrument itself takes. The presentation will include recorded and live music.
Read MoreMuseum of Wonder and Awe: Curator’s Lecture
A 19th Century Dime Museum in the tradition of P.T. Barnum. Come see curiosities, oddities, artifacts, and relics from the 11 corners of the globe! Everything is real, and everything the curator says is true!
Read MoreCalamity Labs Presents: MOCKTAILS
All about drinks with all the jazz of cocktails but none of the Booze!
Read MoreLeatherworking 101 the Basics of Getting Started
This panel covers the basics for getting started in Leatherworking. It covers leathers, tools, and terminology for the beginner. Leather samples and tools are on hand and there’s a 10-page handout with explanations and links. FREE
Read MoreMorse Code Bracelet
One cannot be too careful in these perilous times. Guard your identity with this handmade bracelet in the famous code used ’round the world. Your assignment, should you choose to accept: construct a hand-made bracelet with a code-word to be revealed in class. You will receive a code-chart, beads and thread packaged in a clever…
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