The Wild and Wicked Games of Olmec – Part 3
Art Show Opens
Artist MUST pick up art by 12:30PM
Read MoreSecret Pirate or Mermaid Journal
This is for the kids. They will be able to decorate their own secret journal and make a secret code to go with. The journal will come with a secret writing pen and bag. There will be no cost. Limit of 24.
Read MoreCrochet a Baby Octopus
Are you interested in learning how to crochet (and take home) a baby octopus? Then this is the makers panel for you! Materials will be provided (including yarrr-n and hooks, matey). Cost would be $5 per person and they would get to take home an adorable baby octopus in the end.
Read MoreUkulele – the happiest instrument on earth!
An overview of the development of the ukulele, from its invention from older instruments, through the variety of musical genres it’s been used in, to the different forms the instrument itself takes. The presentation will include recorded and live music.
Read MoreKathryn’s top 10 Pirate movies
Where the hell is Kraken Island, and how do we get there?
Finding your way around the Earth is a ball! Get it? Ball! We’ll learn about Navigation methods from crossed sticks to hyperbolic radio proximity to inertial integration. Join us to make sure you’re heading in the right direction!
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